Category: Buttercream


Happy Easter!

Triple-layer Vanilla Cake, Vanilla Buttercream Filling and Frosting, Marzipan Cut-out, and tinted Flaked Coconut Happy Easter to all my friends who celebrate the holiday and Happy Sunday to my friends who don’t!  There’s room...


Easter Bunny Chocolate Cake

Double-layer Dark Chocolate Cake, Double-layer Banana Chocolate Chip Cake, Chocolate Fudge Filling, Whipped Dark and Milk Chocolate Ganache, Vanilla Buttercream Grass, Almond M&M Eggs, and a delightful Chocolate Bunny So much cake!!  So amazing...


Rice Krispie Christmas Trees

Rice Krispie Christmas Trees, Buttercream Garland, and Rainbow Sprinkles Nothing like a Christmas Tree this time of year!  I’ve always been fascinated by a shiny tree.  As a young sprout I loved the sparkliness...


Christmas Tree Cupcakes

Chocolate Cupcakes, tinted Vanilla Buttercream, and Kit Kat Bar Christmas Trees Have I mentioned that I love holiday baking?  And the super fun items that can be created from everyday ingredients? Please know it...


A Spring Hat in Autumn

Triple-layer Almond Cake, Almond Nougat Filling, Almond Buttercream Frosting with Tinted Roses Almonds!  This cake was built around a tub of Almond Nougat I found at the market.  It sounded so good – like Nutella...